In this regard, it is very important to provide something relevant. Remember that website visitors are literally in the middle of a paragraph when a timed or scrolling popup appears. It's like sticking your head into your face while someone is reading a book. If you don't provide something of value related to what they're reading, you can run into your head. The Ghost Mannequin Effect coolest use case I've seen recently is Brian Dean's exclusive article, which needs to be unlocked by sending the visitor's email address. The following is an example of the Backlinko Ghost Mannequin Effect blog directory . Examples of pop-up ad gated content Click the Unlock Now button and you will see the following click pop-up.
Pop-up to unlock content Image source Why this is an effective way to use popups Bryan Dean already knows that people in his blog directory are interested in reading his blog content. Making his content exclusive increases the subjective value that visitors Ghost Mannequin Effect place on that content. What is not published should contain more valuable information than it really is . Locking that content behind the email gate is a great way to use pop-ups. Tip: A progress bar like the one at the top of this popup (which, by the way, is part of Ghost Mannequin Effect many popup tool templates) has been shown to improve conversion rates by as much as 28.9% . 4. Promote a free demo If you visit the Wishpond pricing page, stay on that page for more than 10 seconds, and then try to leave, you'll see this exit intent pop-up. Pop-up ads that provide demos Why this is an effective way to use popups 92% of your website visitors are n't ready to buy yet, but that doesn't mean they aren't interested in learning more about you.
Encouraging chat to discuss the costs / benefits of software is a great way to use pop-ups, which is one of the few exit intent pop-up use cases that actually pop out of the park. In fact, this popup really only acts as an exit popup. You want to give people as Ghost Mannequin Effect much time as they need on your pricing page. Rushing them with timed or scrolling pop-ups will do more harm than good. 5. Remind visitors of a limited time offer As soon as you Ghost Mannequin Effect visit the Growth Marketing Conference home page, you'll see a countdown timer pop-up. It appears at the bottom of the page and scrolls with it. Pop-up ads with urgent examples Image source Why this is an effective way to use popups Here's my favorite A / B test from ConversionXL's Marker Stayler. In it, he talks about how he set up "a kind of Groupon contract for musicians." He advertised it at a great cost, so he put a lot of emphasis on optimizing